A few nights ago, I had a dream about trying to find my bookmarks in my purse. Today's blog posting has a picture of the front and back of one of my bookmarks. I actually designed these bookmarks by myself. I give these bookmarks out for free at my author events. I also always have a few of these bookmarks in my purse. They're sort of like business cards.
During my dream, I spent a lot of time looking in my purse for these bookmarks, but I couldn't find a single one. I also found all kinds of other new things that I usually never have in my purse. One new thing was an empty potato chip bag. I actually very rarely eat regular potato chips, but instead, I normally eat nut-thins or cracker-thins. I also found some cat toys that I have never put in my purse, but I could not find the laser pointer that I always have there. Also missing from my purse were cosmetic items (lipstick, comb, mirror, . . ).
In this dream, a few of the normal items actually were in my purse: my billfold, money, credit cards, and car keys.
During this dream, I was probably telling myself about some new parts of my life during this COVID-19 pandemic. For example, when I'm wearing a mask, I do not also wear make-up. Many of my usual author events have been cancelled, so I'm not giving out too many free bookmarks. Some of these events are still running, but in different ways (http://www.drkarenpetit.com/events.html). I also eat differently. I spend more time with my cats and play with them and their toys more. Thankfully, I still have enough money to pay my most essential bills.
I'm thinking of writing a poem about the contents of this dream. Content from my dreams is often added into my poetry and novels, in addition to the content of this blog.